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Jumat, 19 Maret 2010

Pulau Bali in Indonesia.

post by Wawan Rusmawan
Bali is one of provinces in Indonesia. This place is so popular everywhere. Not only famous in Indonsia but also in foreign countries
Bali is an Island rich in culture,art ceremonies ang gentle,friendly people. It is a world-famous vacation spot. It offers many things to tourist and visitors. remainds of distinctlty Indonesia-Hindu civilization are found almost exclusively in Bali. Festivals,ceremonies and special dances are found almost every day. Travel agents or hotels can suply information about specific events, for example,the performance of Legong, Pendet,Ramayana,Barong Kecak and others
Bali is one hour and twenty minutes away from jakarta by jet, or you can fly or go by train to Surabaya,then use the express bus service from Surabaya to Denpasar via banyuwangi,where you board a ferrry.There are olso flight from surabaya and yogyakarta to Denpasar.
Going by bus from jakarta to denpasar is olso possible,especiallay if you go with a tour group.
Once of you arrive in Bali,there are several ways to travel around the island.Taxis and rented cars are available throught hotels and travel agents. Tour agencies and most hotels offer bus tours to major points of interest. Motorcycles and bicycles a availlable for rent throught agencies in Denpasar, Kuta beach and Sanur beach.Oplets pass through areas and offer inexpensive rides.
Denpasar,the capital of the province, is the location of many community temples and Bali museum.Batubulan,ashort drive nort-east of denpasar,is the location of many sandstone workshops.Celuk is the village just nort of Batubulan where gold and silver work for jewelrynd ornaments is done. The village of batuan specilizes in traditional painting and weaving as well as decorative wooden panels and screens.
to be continue.....

Selasa, 16 Maret 2010


In indonesia until 1945 onli rich families could give their children a good education. They sent their children to private school. Most of the population,however,were not able to do so,because those schools were very expensive. The only thing they could do was to send their children to less good school. Many children did not get any education at all.
Since a945 the goverment has changed the system of education and built many schools. Beside private school, there are other kinds of school. What schools are there in Indonesia now ?.There are government school which give free education up to high schools.
Their administration is controlled by the goverment.Some school receive money from goverment to pay for some, but not all,of their cost. The are what we call subsidized schools.
The private schools are independent.
They choose their own students,pay their own techers and ask for school fees,which are usually high .Why do students attend expensive schools? the ansewer is because some private school are famous for quality of their teaching. (sumber: english for Hight school).

Selasa, 02 Maret 2010

urgensi tauhid dalam kehidupan manusia

Oleh : Wawan Rusmawan
“ Dan Kami tidak mengutus seorang rasulpun sebelum kamu, melainkan Kami wahyukan kepadanya : “ Bahwasanya tidak ada Tuhan melainkan Aku, maka sembahlah olehmu sekalian akan Aku” (QS Al-Anbiya 25). Ayat alQur’an di atas memberikan indikasi keharusan umat manusia untuk bertauhid.
Dalam ajaran islam tauhid itu berarti keyakinan akan keesaan Allah.Kalimat tauhid ialah kalimat La’illaha illallah yang berati tidak ada Tuhan melainkan Allah (al-baqoroh 163,Muahammad 19).Tauhid merupakan inti dasar dari seluruh tatanan dan norma islam;sehingga oleh karenanya Islam dikenal sebagai agama tauhid yaitu agama yang mengesakan Tuhan.
Tugas utama para Rasul
Tauhid menduduki posisi urgen dan merupakan garapan pertama didalam dakwah seluruh rasul,sejak nabi Nuh as sampai sampai nabi Muhammad Saw.Tugas pertama para Rasulullah sebagai pemeberi petunjuk kepada hamba-hambanya tercermin dalam du dasar yang tidak dapat dipisahkan antara satu sama lainnya. Pertama:ajakan beribadah kepada Allah Yang maha Esa. Kedua: ajakan menjauhkan diri tghut (apa saja yang menarik manusia untuk keluar dari batas-batas yang ditentukan Allah).